Saturday 18 June 2016

Testing out pinterest beauty hacks

Hello everyone! I hope you have had a lovely week! The other day I was scrolling through pinterest and I saw a pin (I'm not sure if thats what they are called but I'm just gonna go with it) that showed you 25 beauty hacks every girl needs. I decided to pick out 5 to try out and test if they really work and that is what today's post is about so lets get to it! (I'm sorry about my rubbish and unflattering photos- I tried my best!)

1. White eyeshadow base to make other colours pop! 

So I was very intrigued by this one as I love eyeshadow and if this did work I would use it again. Obviously the first thing I did was put a base of white on one eye and then I put a purpley shade on both eyes to see if I could tell the difference.
Here are my results :
First of all guess what eye had white eyeshadow underneath the purple. If you choose the eye on your left (or the one without my bit of fringe hanging down above it) then you were correct! In this picture it is quite hard to notice any difference but the eyeshadow on the white base eye did look a bit brighter and I guess it did make it pop a little bit so I suppose this hack works! Use a white eyeshadow base to make other colours pop!

2. Using concealer, a lip pencil and a lip balm to contour lips 

So when I saw this I was like oooh this looks fun. You basically have to cover your whole lips in concealer, then line your lips, then draw a few lines of lip liner in the middle of your lips and finally use the lip balm to blend all of the colours together.

I did not like this hack. I have quite big lips anyway and I found that this hack was just long and a hassle to get results that weren't even great. It just made my lip liner colour much lighter and just didn't really work that well for me. So yeah I would avoid this one.

3. Curling and lining at the same time 

So this hack should enable you to curl your eyelashes and line your eyelid at the same time. To do that, all you have to do is line the (usually) black rubber part of the curlers with  a crayon eyeliner and then voila get curling!

So this hack was literally rubbish. The only way I could have lined my eyes was by pinching them with the eyelash curler which actually REALLY hurts. However on an up side I really do recommend eyelash curlers to you. If you curl your lashes at the right angle then it can really make a big difference.

 4. Using a piece of card to help you with your winged liner. 

I was really excited to try out this hack because I am rubbish at doing winged liner and I thought that all of my winged eyeliner problems would be solved. This hack is very simple. All you have to do is get a piece of card and put it against your face where you would like your eyeliner to go. Then use the straight line to draw a perfect wing.

So for me this didn't really work. I'm not sure if it was because my piece of card was to flimsy (I stole one of my dad's business cards and used that) but I just couldn't seem to draw a straight line. I know people do this hack with cellotape so maybe that works better. Overall this one is no use to me!

5. Using red lipstick to cover under eye circles 

Basically all you have to do for this hack is get one of your red or pinkey red lipsticks and apply a light layer under your eyes and then put your foundation and concealer on top of it.


I really didn't like this hack. Firstly it was a waste of my lipstick and secondly my under eye turned pink due to my foundation and concealer mixing with the red lipstick. It just drew more attention to my under eye circles and yeah I definitely do not recommend this hack!

So that is the end of my pinterest beauty hacks post and I hope you enjoyed it. I would say the white eyeshadow base to make eyeshadow pop was my favourite hack and my least favourite hack was using red lipstick to conceal under eye circles. I'm sorry if one of these hacks works for you and I just totally done it wrong and said loads of bad things about it and I'm sorry about using the word hack so much - it must have been really annoying.


Miss A x


  1. Oooh loved this post! I may try the white eyeshadow base and see if it works for me because that would be quite useful, Leonie x

    1. Thank you! Yeah you should try it! It might make a difference! X

  2. Loved this unique post, and you should try and use a more orange toned lipstick under your eyes instead of red- hope this helps xxx

    1. Thank you! I will try that and see if it works better! X

  3. Love this kind of hack testiing posts! I had heard about using a knife instead of a card, which can be quite dangerous I think! | Acqua xx

    1. Thank you! Really! Maybe I could try that with a non sharp butter knife! X

  4. I've tried a few of these and they can work but they take more effort than the results are worth, in my opinion!

  5. I always thought the eyelash curler with eyeliner one worked so thanks for clearing that up xx

    1. That's all right! I have heard other people say it works so maybe I was just doing it wrong! :) Thanks! X

  6. Great post, I should try that white eyeshadow base, it looks impressive.

    Kisses Ashon

    1. Thank you and yeah the white eyeshadow trick is great! X

  7. I also tried the eyeliner hack using my credit card and I failed haha! Tried it twice on both eyes but I prefer to do it with a free hand :)


    1. Oh really! It's good to know that I wasn't the only one that failed ha ha! X

  8. I LOVE Pinterest but there are some seriously crazy 'hacks' which I imagine never work xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. I love pinterest to and yeah I agree, some of the hacks are strange! X

  9. Thank you so much for sharing these hacks! I've never seen a post like this xo

  10. I love the idea of this post, so cool! x

  11. Great tips dear, I have tried few of them but, need to try that white eyeshadow base one :) x

    1. Thank you! Yeah you should try it, it was the one that worked the best out of all of the hacks I tried! X

  12. Loved this post, the first one is one I do all of the time!

    1. Thank you and yeah I use that one often to! X

  13. Ooh lovely post hun :)

  14. Great post! I think I will definitely try using white eyeshadow as a base but I will probably give the other hacks a miss! x
    Louise |

    1. Thank you!You should try out the eyeshdow hack! It actually worked and yeah I would give the other ones a miss because they didnt really work in my opinion! X

  15. Lovely post! I always use white/cream shadow as a base, it works so well for me x

    1. Thank you! Yeah it is a really good hack! X

  16. Hello! I love your blog so much; you have a really beautiful design! I really liked what you said about winged liner; that was really useful. I have followed your blog because I think it’s so good!!! I would love it if you had a look at my blog; I’m a very passionate blogger but I’m quite new and really need the support! Perhaps we could become friends? Thank you so much, Jeani xxx

  17. Aww thank you this was such a lovely comment! Thank you for following me! I will definitely check out your blog and support you and I would love to be friends! X
