Saturday 9 April 2016

Tips on how to get a great wardrobe! 

Hello everyone ! As Spring is here and Summer is coming up soon (yay!) , there isn't a better time than now to clean out your wardrobe ready for the upcoming seasons ! In today's post I'm going to be telling you some tips on how to decide what clothes to keep and what clothes to throw away or give to charity in order to get a lovely wardrobe! So here we go ! 

Tip 1 . Seasonal clothes 
The first thing to sort out is your seasonal clothes. You obviously don't want to be wearing a jumper with a Christmas hat on it in the summer because 1. You would be boiling and 2. Your around 7 months late ! However you don't have to throw these away because you can save them for next year.Perhaps you can just put them somewhere different to your normal clothes and get them back out when Christmas comes around again ! 

Tip 2. Clothes you've grown out of 
In the last year or two my fashion style has completely changed ! I used to wear bright pink tracksuits with a sickly pink top (which there is nothing wrong with but it is just not my taste anymore) but now I refuse to wear anything pink and the only things that are allowed to touch my legs are black skinny jeans! I've still got some weird pieces in my wardrobe now (like the ones above and sorry Frozen fans) that I don't wear anymore and it would just be better if I got rid of them . You never know , someone may fall in love with something you hate so it is better for everyone to just let them go !

Tip 3. Does it match with anything
I have these cute little white short dungaree things with vertical blue stripes (which you can see in the above picture) that will look lovely in the summer but they just don't match with anything! I tried them with a white top and it looked to white and I tried them with a bright top and it looked too bright (congratulations to my rubbish describing skills) so they just stay in the back of my cupboard collecting dust ! I now regret buying them (if you have a suggestion of what could go with them then please comment below) so when you are in the shops just think about what you would pair the item of clothing with and if you cant think of anything just put it back , move on and treat yourself to something else !

So those were my tips on how to get a great wardrobe ! Obviously the most important thing to do is just wear what you want so please don't feel like you have to obey these tips if you don't want to!

I hope you enjoyed this post and see you soon!

Miss A x

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