Monday 7 March 2016

3 quick rules to happiness 

Hello everyone! Today I just wanted to do a quick post on 3 ways to be happy because being happy is very important in life ! So when you are feeling down just remember these rules and hopefully you will feel much better.

1. Do what you want to do
If you want to eat that massive chocolate bar even though you are supposed to be on a diet then just eat it . If you really don't feel up to going out tonight then just stay at home . If you want to wear a fluffy pink skirt with neon yellow leggings and a bright orange top to work / school then wear it ! Just do what pleases yourself because all that matters is that you are happy! Don't let other people judge you and not let you be yourself.

Which leads on to my next point nicely...

2. Ignore the haters
There are quite a few things that I really hate in the world and one of them is haters ! I don't know what possesses them to be so mean and horrible because it really doesn't make them look cool , it makes them look evil ! Anyway , if anyone is mean to you then please just ignore them because they are idiots and they are clearly bored out of their lives if the only thing that entertains them is being mean to you . Remember that " the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate but I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake . Shake it off shake it off!!" Just listen to Taylor swift!

And finally...

3. Believe in yourself
Don't say "I can't do it" or "I know I've done bad" because that will really lower your self confidence. Just have confidence in yourself ! Unless you've murdered an innocent person then nothing that you have done is bad ! And if you think you cant do something well just try and you will probably surprise yourself ! If you believe in yourself and never doubt yourself then I guarantee that you will start to feel more happy !

I hope this post helps when you are going through a bad time !

Bye !

Miss A x