Wednesday 17 February 2016

Latest purchases! 

Hi guys! I hope everyone is having a good day. It is soooo cold where I am but as long as I can have a hot chocolate, I think I can survive !! Anyway this week I have been shopping quite a lot and I wanted to show you some of the things I bought .  Most of my things are from my nearest main shopping centre but when I went to London today , we went into Selfridges and my mum treated me to something . So enjoy !

So the first shop I went to was boots and I purchased these two lovely nail varnishes. These are both made by Barry m and they are both £3.99. The first one ( light pink one on the left) is a new nail varnish for Barry m . It is from the mani mask range (which consists of only 2 colours at the moment) and I got it in the shade bashful. It is called mani mask because it camouflages , colours and conditions your nails. The colour is really subtle (nearly transparent) but it is nice if you want to care for your nails whilst wearing a cute matte nail varnish! 

The second nail varnish is from the matte range and it is in the colour espresso (which is black) . I really wanted a matte black because It always looks really nice when I see it on nails on pinterest. So when I found out that Barry m do matte varnishes I was over the moon . The colour and matteness (think I made up that word) of it  is really cool but the only downside is that the actual varnish formula is really gloppy and sticky and it is really hard to paint with . Apart from that I really like this nail varnish! 

This is the product that I purchased from Selfridges in London and it is a Nars blusher in the colour orgasm . This blusher is so pretty! It is pink with lots of champagne coloured shimmer in it .It is very shimmery and I think that is one of the reasons why I like it so much! It is also very soft and so pigmented! So far I haven't found a bad point about this product yet! The name orgasm also makes me laugh ! Aaaah I've used so many exclamation marks !!! It cost me (well my mum actually) £23 but I think it is worth every penny ! Thanks mum! 

I also popped into Topshop and found this beautiful necklace. There was a deal on where you could choose 5 pieces of jewellery with a pink sale sticker on it and only pay £5 for them all! So I teamed up with my mum and sister and between us we finally picked 5 pieces of jewellery. I choose two pieces of Jewellery and this was one of them. I think this necklace is soooo pretty ! It has got a really thin gold chain with little silver and blue beads and a crystal. I doubt that it is a real crystal but I don't know what else to call it so let's stick with that ! Considering this was only £1 I think I found myself a bargain! 

The final thing that I'm going to show you is these ying and yang chokers. These came in a 2 pack and I bought these in the 5 for £5 deal from Topshop. One necklace has the ying on it and one has the yang on it. I love these chokers so much as well , they look so cool ! 

So those were all the things I wanted to show you today and I hope you enjoyed this post! 

Thank you for reading! 

Miss A x 

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